Saturday, March 12, 2011

We could all learn something from this...

Voices of Haiti by Jeremy Cowart

There is so much to learn from people with so little...

Finishing Unfinsihed Projects

Well, today and tomorrow are my final days of Spring Break... therefore, I decided to work on some unfinished projects that have been ongoing with out any progress. One of those projects is fixing up my small collection of license plates. Each plate has meaning to me KJL is my married initials, Michigan is where my father grew up, Colorado is important b/c my grandfather has a cabin there and we spend a lot of time up there, and finally a Texas farm truck plate due to the fact my husband and I were "Ag" kids in the FFA growing up.  

Dilemma - I can't decide if the ribbon is too long on them or if this is just "new" to me and weird looking. Next, finish spray painting my bookcase for the piles of books that lay around my side of the bed.

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